School Reinstatement

Reinstatement information by school

Petitioning for reinstatement if you were dismissed from your school

The following information is for students who have been academically dismissed from their IU Bloomington degree/school and plan to petition for reinstatement for that school or would like to apply for reinstatement to a different degree and school.

The following academic schools will consider reinstatement petitions from students who were dismissed from other academic units on campus:

  • College of Arts and Sciences
  • School of Public Health
  • Luddy School of Informatics and Computing

If you wish to consider other degree/major options from outside your current school, schedule an appointment with an Advising & Major Exploration Services advisor by searching "AMES" in the Student Appointment Scheduler or email Our advisors can help you learn about the different reinstatement processes across campus and what majors might be a good fit for you.

Reinstatement processes for non-AMES students

Reinstatement eligibility, process, and petition

Refer to College of Arts + Sciences Reinstatement for details about reinstatement.

Then, contact the College Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs at 812-855-1647 to make an appointment. In the appointment, you'll learn more about reinstatement eligibility, specific deadlines, and your next steps.

Note: This reinstatement process is only for students already admitted to their Jacobs degree program, who are under dismissal, and who wish to petition to continue in Jacobs.

Pre-Music students must follow the Advising & Major Exploration Services reinstatement process.

Beginning the reinstatement process

To learn about eligibility and criteria, ask questions, or begin the reinstatement process, email the Jacobs Director of Undergraduate Studies at

Note: This reinstatement process is only for students already admitted to their Kelley degree program, who are under academic dismissal, and who wish to petition to continue in Kelley.

Pre-Kelley students must follow the Advising & Major Exploration Services reinstatement process.

Reinstatement eligibility, process, and contact information

Refer to the Academic Reinstatement page in the Kelley academic bulletin for details about reinstatement.

Email the Kelley Undergraduate Recorder at if you have additional questions about the reinstatement process.

Reinstatement eligibility and criteria

Students under dismissal from Luddy must not enroll through IU Bloomington for one Fall or Spring semester.

Beginning the reinstatement process

Contact your Luddy academic advisor to begin the process.

Contact Information

If you have questions about Luddy reinstatement, contact your Luddy academic advisor or email the SICE Undergraduate Office at

Note: This reinstatement process is for students already admitted to their O'Neill degree program, who are under dismissal, and who wish to petition to continue in O'Neill.

Students wishing to change to O'Neill must follow the Advising & Major Exploration Services reinstatement process.

Reinstatement eligibility and criteria

On the O'Neill Advising Services page, open the accordion menu titled “Petition for Reinstatement.” There, you will find eligibility and criteria information, and a link to the O'Neill reinstatement form.

Contact Information

After reading the above information, and any linked information, if you have questions, contact O'Neill Academic Advising at

Note: This reinstatement process is only for students already admitted to their Education degree program, who are under academic dismissal, and who wish to petition to continue in Education.

Students wishing to change to Education must follow the Advising & Major Exploration Services reinstatement process.

Reinstatement eligibility, criteria, and contact information

Log into the Student Appointment Scheduler to schedule an appointment with any available Education academic advisor. You can also email an Education advisor or School of Education Help at

Note: This reinstatement information is only for students already admitted to the School of Nursing, who are under dismissal, and who wish to petition to continue in Nursing.

Pre-Nursing students must follow the Advising & Major Exploration Services reinstatement process.

Reinstatement eligibility, criteria, and contact information

If you have been admitted to the IUB School of Nursing and have questions about Nursing academic dismissal or academic standards, contact IUB Nursing Academic Advising.

Reinstatement eligibility and criteria

Students under their first academic dismissal from the School of Public Health must not be enrolled through IUB for one semester. Students under their second academic dismissal from Public Health must not be enrolled through IUB for one year.

Beginning the reinstatement process

Email Public Health Academic Advising at with questions or to begin the process.

Note: This reinstatement process is for students already admitted to the School of Social Work, who are under dismissal, and who wish to petition to continue in Social Work.

Pre-Social Work students must follow the Advising & Major Exploration Services reinstatement process.

Reinstatement eligibility and criteria

Consult the BSW Program Student Handbook section on Reinstatement Procedures for Dismissals.

Contact Information

After reading the above handbook, if you have questions contact the Bachelor of Social Work Program Director Kristin Hamre at