Academic Watch and Alert

Academic Watch and Alert

Experiencing academic difficulty can be a scary and confusing time. We want you to know our advisors are here to support you, and we believe you can improve your GPA. Our academic support resources are designed to help you improve time management and study skills, gain academic confidence, and address barriers to academic success. We will help you get back on the path to earn your IU degree!

Academic Alert

Students in the Academic Alert process have a cumulative GPA below a 2.0, were in the academic watch or academic alert process the previous semester and were unable to get into good standing, or have a term GPA of 0.0.

Students in the academic alert process need a term GPA of a 2.0 in order to avoid academic dismissal.

AMES students in the academic alert process need to:

  • Register for EDUC-X158 the Culture of College.
  • Meet with their advisor by the end of the fourth week of the term to plan for a successful semester and sign an academic success agreement.
    • As part of the agreement advisors help calculate the GPA a student needs to get in good standing.
  • Meet with their advisor a second time to plan for enrollment.