The Pass/Fail option allows you to earn a "passing" grade P, as long as you earn a grade higher than F. The grade of P does not affect your GPA, but an F will. The Pass/Fail option was created to give students the opportunity to take classes to explore unfamiliar areas without the risk of lowering their GPA. Each degree program or school has different rules about if and how a course with the grade of P may count in the degree.
If you would like to take a class pass/fail and are in good academic standing, fill out the Pass/Fail petition form at the Undergraduate Education Records Office in Wells Library room 002. You must be currently enrolled in the course you wish to take pass/fail before you can submit the Pass/Fail petition.
Consult the official calendar for the deadline to submit a pass/fail petition, and talk to your advisor before submitting your petition to learn if and how a class with a grade of P will count for your degree program.