Academic Policies

Student Policies

Students advised by Advising and Major Exploration Services follow the policies of their intended school or, for Exploratory students, the College of Arts and Sciences. Please consult the academic bulletin for your intended school or the College to learn about academic policies that impact you.

If you have questions about a procedure or policy, please schedule an appointment with your assigned advisor.

Procedures for Common Policies

Students who receive a grade lower than an A may be eligible to retake a course and remove the earlier grade from their grade point average (GPA). Please see the enrollment bulletin for more detail, including restrictions on this policy.

To submit a petition, go to the OVPUE Records Office in Wells Library room 002 (Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.).

If you are not able to file your petition in person, you may use the online version of the form (CAS authentication required). There are instructions on how to fill out and submit the form on the application, so please read them carefully. However, if you have any questions about the form or the Extended-X policy in general, you can contact OVPUE Records at 812-855-7797 or

You must be currently enrolled in the course before you can submit a petition to apply the Extended-X Policy to it.

An X petition can be submitted any time before you graduate. However, we recommend that you submit your X petition before the end of the semester you are re-taking the course. If you've already completed the course for the second time and neglected to file an X petition, you may file your petition now.

If you need to drop a class after the automatic W deadline, talk to your advisor first. Petitions for withdrawals after the automatic W deadline will not be authorized by the dean except for urgent reasons beyond your control (such as illness or equivalent distress). The desire to avoid a low grade is not an acceptable reason for withdrawal from a course.

If you would like to take a class pass/fail and are in good academic standing, fill out the Pass/Fail petition form at the OVPUE Records Office in Wells Library room 002. You must be currently enrolled in the course you wish to take pass/fail before you can submit the Pass/Fail petition.

Consult the official calendar for the deadline to submit a pass/fail petition, and talk to your advisor before submitting your petition to learn if and how a class with a grade of P will count for your degree program.

If you have attended IU Bloomington in the past as a University Division student and wish to return, complete the Returning Student Application for electronic submission.

This applies to students who have not enrolled at IU Bloomington for a semester or longer for any reason other than academic dismissal, including taking time off for medical or financial reasons and wishing to return after transferring for a semester or more from IUB to a regional campus.